In celebration of the upcoming anniversary of my book reviews, eighth anniversary, i think it is, here is a list of a few, completely random, books that i have read over the first seven years of the programme. I have written down a round dozen numbers under seven hundred, and will fetch and insert the corresponding titles and authors. Without having looked at them yet, i am guessing that this will probably give an idea of both my interests, and the rather eclectic list i draw from. Let's see:
Midwives, Chris Bohjalian
The Mystery of the Blue Train, Agatha Christie
True North, Kathryn Lasky
Juvenile fiction
Spinner's Inlet, Don Hunter
Short stories
Mistress Masham's Repose, T.W. White
Star Maker, Olaf Stapledon
Speculative, or philosophical, fiction
Vintage Stuff, Tom Sharpe
Eichmann Interrogated, Jochen von Lang, editor
Modern history
Dead by Sunset, Ann Rule
Non-fiction mystery
The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom
Philosophical fiction/fluff
Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert, Stanley Weintraub
Historical biography
Op-Center; State of Siege, Tom Clancy & Steve Pieczenik
Hmm, quite a lot of fiction on there; one or two history books; not as much variety as i had expected. No matter, this was my plan; this is what i'll stick with. I'll do it again sometime, perhaps, and see if we get a different result.