is a clock tower outside my bedroom window, about twenty or thirty
yards away, i would guess. It’s quite well known, one of the
features of the small town i live in; it was erected some hundred and
thirty years ago, as a memorial by the townsfolk of the twentyfirst
birthday of the son of the local nobs (a man who delighted in a
triple-barrelled surname, Vane-Tempest-Stewart). Recently it has
been refurbished, spending something over a year shrouded behind
scaffolding and green fabric, paid for by a seemingly interminable
community drive and some money from the National Lottery. And it
looks quite impressive now, clean, visible carvings, a pleasing
sandstone structure at the centre of town.
i’m interested in today, however, is not the appearance of the
tower but the sound of the bells it contains. As i mentioned, i live
close to it, close enough to hear it every time it chimes, which is
four times an hour, as is common (as a completely irrelevant thought,
why do we mark the quarters of an hour, not the thirds? Couldn’t
we have clocks that chime on the hour and at twenty past and twenty
to?). When i first moved here the clock was undergoing its
refurbishment and the chimes did not work properly. As a matter of
fact, i think that there was a period when they did not sound at all.
At some point, possibly even from the beginning, they worked, and
that working is my subject.
It is a
set of two bells, as far as i can tell from listening. One chimes on
the hour, ringing the appropriate number of times to tell which hour
it is; on the quarter hours both toll, one then the other, once,
twice, or three times each, depending on which quarter of the hour
has just passed. The odd thing, when i first started hearing the
chimes, was that they did not tell the time in any intuitive way, so
i thought they must have been broken; remember, the whole clock was
being repaired at this time. The logical thought would be that they
would give one double chime at a quarter past, two at half past, and
three double chimes, six bells in all, at a quarter to the hour.
What they actually did was three doubles at quarter past, one at half past,
and two at a quarter till. As i said, non-intuitive, but i learned
to understand it and, with a little thought, know what time it was if
i woke up and heard the bells. Then it changed.
fact, shortly after the scaffolding and fabric came down i noticed
that the clock was now chiming in what i describe above as the
intuitive way. Naturally, i made the assumption that the chime
mechanism had also been repaired. I think that that was a correct
assumption, as it stayed that way for a month, or maybe two. Then
another change to the ringing. Well, a change back, to be honest, to
the strange ringing they had been doing previously. Then they
changed again! Again telling out the time in the intuitive way i
expected. That lasted no more than a month, maybe less. Since then
(October, it being February as i write this) they have been fairly
steadily telling the time with three, then one, then two chimes.
Until about a week ago.
change, this time evidently more serious, as they were already
chiming oddly. In fact, the timing of the bells seems to be
migrating, such that they are no longer always ringing in pairs on
the quarter hours. The most common pattern is three or five rings at
a quarter to the hour. Bizarrely the missing chime seems to have
taken up residence on the hour, as now there are frequently six
chimes at, say, five o’clock ~ which one of them being the “wrong”
bell, the one which is only supposed to be part of the pair. I
thought i was dreaming the first time i heard this, it was early in
the morning and i could well have been but, no, i have heard it
several times since. So the question now before me is, Do i try and
find out whom to speak to in order to correct this behaviour, or do i
wait, fascinated, to see just what new permutations of wrongness the
town clock might come up with?
The solution is obvious to me, Elsie. Someone needs to give you something to read that takes you away from all that chiming. I'd rather listen to arctic wolves howling than a clock chiming every fifteen minutes. It would probably have me up every morning at 3:30 a.m.
Good luck with that.
My mistake...i thought you were (still) up at three-thirty, Stephanie.
Clocks chiming can be soothing, though. My grandparents used to have one that did the Westminster chimes all through the hour. Loved it.
How WEIRD... I know who you should talk to... go to gwynfryn which is on the corner, a big white house further up the 'town' away from the train station, there my friend izzy's parents live and they always know all the people there are to know, and aside from that they are very hospitable and welcoming and interesting and clever people. :] xx
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